These kind of studies are fascinating in map form. Reports can never capture the imagination like a well chosen image. Anyone making a buying decision will be riveted by the story being told by this picture.


Factors that are important in the choice of an assisted Living Facility for a family include:


Socioeconomic Class

Whether it is a convenient drive for some of the family members

Distance to hospitals

Variables of Interest to the Assisted Living Facility Owner might include:


Distance to other facilities.

Distance to hospitals

Distance to rehabs

Number of seniors in the vicinity

These variables are best observed in map form.

The large yellow area is the convenient drive time around a large Assisted Living Facility. The other symbols are the competition and shopping centers.

The square blue symbols are the large ALF’s, capacity 11+. The triangles are ALF’s capacity 10, and the small circles are smaller Group Homes. The yellow circles around the cap.10 ALF’s are 1/4 mile rings.


A Few Questions We Have Helped Our Clients Answer:

Where can we position our new facility to best serve the kind of family we are looking for?

Which sites/properties best satisfy our criteria?

How will the demographics of the area change over the next 5 years?

How much can I learn about my target families?

Where can we position our new facility to best serve the kind of family we are looking for?

Which sites/properties best satisfy our criteria?

How will the demographics of the area change over the next 5 years?

How much can I learn about my target families?